Connecticut paid leave
As of January 2021, most Connecticut workers were eligible for paid family and medical leave under Connecticut’s Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) law. An employer may opt-out of the state program by having a state-approved private plan.
PFML is available to covered individuals who work in Connecticut and who have earned wages of at least $2,325 in the highest-earning quarter of the first four of the five most recent quarters and are currently employed or have been employed within the last 12 weeks. Generally, if an individual receives a Form W-2 from their employer, they are considered to be an employee, regardless of if they pay FICA or unemployment insurance taxes. This would include full-time, part-time, student workers, corporate officers, visa holders, and seasonal workers.
Self-employed individuals or sole proprietors can voluntarily opt into the program.
Employers not included: unionized employees of the State of Connecticut, as well as employees of the federal government, railroad workers, municipalities (unless unionized employees collectively bargain to participate), local or regional boards of education, and non-public elementary or secondary schools.
Key features
Coverage options |
State plan or state-approved private plan. Principal® offers a fully insured private plan option. |
Funding |
0.5% of wages up to the current Social Security contribution limit. |
Waiting period |
There is no waiting period. If eligible, an employee may receive benefits beginning the first day of their leave. |
Benefit |
95% of the covered employee’s average weekly wage (AWW) up to an amount less than or equal to forty times the minimum fair wage as defined in CT law, plus 60% of that covered employee’s average weekly wage which exceeded forty times the minimum fair wage (if applicable). The benefit rate is capped at 60 times the CT minimum fair wage. |
Maximum benefit |
$981/week (effective 1/1/2025). In CT, this is based on the current minimum wage, and is subject to change annually. |
Benefit duration (within a 52 consecutive week period) |
Combined paid family and medical leave: 12 weeks, 2 additional weeks for a serious health condition that results in incapacitation that occurs during a pregnancy. Covered employees caring for a family member who was injured while on active duty in the military can take up to 26 weeks of leave, but only 12 of the weeks are eligible for paid benefits. . |
Get more information from the State of Connecticut.
Principal® has a solution
We’re here to help by offering a state-approved voluntary private plan. When you have other group insurance products with us, it’s easy to add this solution. Plus, you get the same top-level service that comes with any of our products.
You can be assured ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂëis committed to offering a private plan that helps meet your obligation under the paid family and medical leave law as a Connecticut employer. Our fully insured product is available to employers who offer at least one other qualifying, insured ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂëproduct (group term life*, dental, vision, or long-term disability) and have ten or more employees working in Connecticut.
Get more information about the private plan solution from Principal.
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Submitting a claim
To start a PFML claim in Connecticut, complete and .
Or, complete and submit the appropriate PFML claim form:
Want to learn more?
Talk to your financial professional to design a benefit offering that meets the specific needs of your business and employees.