{"version":3,"file":"heading.CQIzFo2C.js","sources":["../../../../../packages/web-components/src/lib/components/heading/heading.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { html } from 'lit';\nimport { property } from 'lit/decorators.js';\nimport { pdsCustomElement as customElement } from '../../decorators/pds-custom-element';\nimport { PdsElement } from '../PdsElement';\nimport { required } from '../../decorators/required';\nimport styles from './heading.scss?inline';\n\n/**\n * @summary This component displays different heading tags in different sizes based on properties\n *\n * @slot default Required: Heading text\n */\n@customElement('pds-heading', {\n category: 'component',\n type: 'component',\n state: 'stable',\n styles,\n})\nexport class PdsHeading extends PdsElement {\n /**\n * Style variant\n * - **display-default** renders a heading with `display-default` type semantic preset\n * - **display-sm** renders a heading with `display-sm` type semantic preset\n * - **headline-lg** renders a heading with `headline-lg` type semantic preset\n * - **headline-default** renders a heading with `headline-default` type semantic preset\n * - **headline-sm** renders a heading with `headline-sm` type semantic preset\n * - **title-lg** renders a heading with `title-lg` type semantic preset\n * - **title-default** renders a heading with `title-default` type semantic preset\n * - **title-sm** renders a heading with `title-sm` type semantic preset\n * - **title-xs** renders a heading with `title-xs` type semantic preset\n * - **label-lg** renders a heading with `label-lg` type semantic preset\n * - **label-default** renders a heading with `label-default` type semantic preset\n * - **label-sm** renders a heading with `label-sm` type semantic preset\n * - **meta-default** renders a heading with `meta-default` type semantic preset\n * - **meta-sm** renders a heading with `meta-sm` type semantic preset\n * This is a **required** property.\n */\n @required\n @property()\n variant:\n | 'display-default'\n | 'display-sm'\n | 'headline-lg'\n | 'headline-default'\n | 'headline-sm'\n | 'title-lg'\n | 'title-default'\n | 'title-sm'\n | 'title-xs'\n | 'label-lg'\n | 'label-default'\n | 'label-sm'\n | 'meta-sm'\n | 'meta-default';\n\n @property({ type: Boolean })\n inverted?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Dynamic tag name for the component\n * This is needed to use proper semantic heading treatments depending on where the banner lives on the page\n * \n *
\n *