{"version":3,"file":"support-heading.CiTmPHI7.js","sources":["../../../../../packages/web-components/src/lib/components/support-heading/support-heading.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { html } from 'lit';\nimport { property, state } from 'lit/decorators.js';\nimport { pdsCustomElement as customElement } from '../../decorators/pds-custom-element';\nimport { PdsElement } from '../PdsElement';\nimport styles from './support-heading.scss?inline';\nimport { required } from '../../decorators/required';\nimport '../heading/heading';\n\n@customElement('pds-support-heading', {\n category: 'component',\n type: 'component',\n state: 'stable',\n styles,\n})\n/**\n * @summary A support heading\n *\n * @slot default Required: The text of the heading\n */\nexport class PdsSupportHeading extends PdsElement {\n /**\n * Heading variant\n * - **meta-default** renders a with meta text variant capitalized\n * - **meta-sm** renders a with smaller meta text variant capitalized\n * - **headline-default** renders a sentence case and bold with blue border and light blue offset background\n */\n @property()\n headingVariant: 'meta-default' | 'meta-sm' | 'headline-default' =\n 'meta-default';\n\n @property({ type: Boolean })\n inverted: boolean = false;\n\n /**\n * This is a **required** property.\n */\n @required\n @property()\n headingTagName: 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';\n\n /**\n * Tracks the internal heading markup, which needs to be set after the first update (see note)\n * @internal\n */\n @state()\n headingElementMarkup = html``;\n\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n get classNames() {\n return {\n [this.headingVariant]: !!this.headingVariant,\n inverted: this.inverted,\n };\n }\n\n headingLevel() {\n return this.headingTagName.replace('h', '');\n }\n\n protected firstUpdated(): void {\n super.firstUpdated();\n\n // We have to wait for the first update to set the heading element markup\n // For some reason, it doesn't know what properties are set (even if explicitly set to strings)\n // when rendering on the server, so then the required decorator doesn't work\n // At some point, we should dig into this more to see if we can allow nested\n // components that have required fields to render on the server\n this.headingElementMarkup = html``;\n }\n\n render() {\n return html`\n